Tuesday, March 1, 2011

things i forgot slash life back in paris.

first, things i forgot.

CANDY. madrid, barcelona, and london. ALL ABOUT THE CANDY. like i am not sure how it was left out of every single post. but like. candy. everywhere. always. bad news. oye.

so back in paris. chillin. we got back sunday at 6. flight got in circa 3:30. after everything. and the RER. and whatever. we got in to our apt around 6.

i showered stat. got in bed. made dinner. got back in bed. awoke for my double period french. oy.

madame thaib has gotten nicer. we walk into french class and she informs us that in 5 minutes we will partir. that is. we will leave.


we hop the 62 bus. and one bus trip later arrive in saint germain. yaya. we go to chocolate place that made chocolate for the king. we go to the eugene delacroix museum. we go to le procope cafe, one of the oldest cafes in paris. and we sit down to lunch.

me and hannah bail. est tres expensive. we go to a little cafe, cafe BB that dana and i have been to and enjoy a super tasty cheaper lunch. tres bon.

after lunch, hannah has class, i have drawing hdubbs to do and an architecture exam to study for. i head to the louvre to go sketch a sculpture for homework. after that is done i google "louvre starbucks" and find a starbucks eight minutes away. judge me. whatever. shh.

i head there. crack open my architecture notes. strategically place my oh-so-american-venti-coffee on one side of the notebook. and proceed to plug in blackberry and reconnect. read some nytimes. bbm some people. hit up whatsapp. check my email. peep my notes. sip my coffee. chill.

i head home around 8. kind of having studied. definitely having gotten my caffeine fix. make dinner. study some more. catch up on greek. off to bed.

cue tuesday. wake up. french class. back to the grind. the room has been rearranged. its disorienting. i deal. i can now sit in the back. yay. its normal french class. questions are being asked. i am confused, but more with it than most kids in the class. i am attempting to study for architecture while not being completely tuned out. we get our french tests back. turns out i can write in french despite what my blog implies. we have to sign up for our oral exams on next monday.

"hayley, you are always early, can you be the first slot?"

oy. fine. i am the first slot. bad news i have to be there at the normal 10:35, i arrive around 10:15 each day. good news i get to leave at 10:45. and then i am FREE. yeeeeeee.

after french class comes drawing. we met at musee branly today, a 15 minute walk from school. it is polynesian art (i believe, don't quote me. google it). and it is architecturally really cool. filled with tons of tiny children. not sure why. we sketched totem poles and masks. it was a break from "studying" so i enjoyed. then it was off to my test.

i am the first to arrive. gasp. wanklyn comes next (professor). we chat about vacay. i am nonchalantly studying. more students enter. questions begin to fly. terms are being tossed around. all i can think of is that i pray there is a word bank i cannot spell ANY of these terms. oy.

test comes. no word bank. 10 multiple choice based on slides. 10 multiple choice written out. four answers under each question. there may be more than one right answer, circle all that apply. wrong answers will be penalized. that is 50 points. the next 50 points. a sketch of an interior wall of notre dame.

tell me what you see. use terminology from class. 50 points. oy.

finish THAT. skype the madre. head back to my new fave sbucks. grab my american sized coffee and read/bbm/do french homework for 1.5 hrs.

here is where i begin to analyze some things that have happened thus far in france.

one. soy chai latte. that is the same. exact same in french and english. like even with an accent. the EXACT SAME. why. all i want is coffee. plain coffee. and it is SO difficult. wah.

two. headphones. my mom has always told me not to wear my headphones while i commute. she is always like: you are gonna be hit by a car, someone is going to jump you, YOU CANNOT HEAR WHAT IS AROUND YOU. like i know. okay. its a risk i take. oye. however. i have had several headphone situations. HPS if you will.

first HPS: meeting dana at the musee louvre metro stop i get out. and helplessly wandering. ipod in. staring at map, walking to all corners of the plaza. wandering aimlessly. someone attacks me. slash someone pokes me. dana. i jump. freak. scream. oops. haha. headphones. oye.

second HPS: on metro. headed downstairs on route i always take. here the headphone saved me. HAHAH MOM. man starts hootin' and hollerin' chatting me up and what not. yes. i can hear him. no. he doesn't know that. so i listen. pretending i cannot hear. and ignore him. count it.

third HPS: this is indirect, but happened to a friend. she is riding the metro in barcelona. sitting there. chillin. looking all european and what not. cue douche-y american boy. sits directly in front of her. looks at her. once again. her headphones are in BUT SHE CAN HEAR SURROUNDINGS. his friend calls to him. in english. "hey man come here." "nah bro, i'm gonna sit here and watch the show." the show. gag. like ew. slash TG for headphones.

last analysis completed while sitting outside at sbucks. my free map of the arrondissements. like yes dana bought hers at monoprix. no. they are not really free and i should be happy. yes. i got mine for free the first week i was here from BNP so i shouldn't complain. HOWEVER. they gave it to me for free because they were sending poor american me to the MIDDLE OF NO WHERE to ask the bank for something they KNEW they would not do. so like. they had to give me something in return. they were basically just getting rid of me. the jury is still out on whether or not i am mad. but i have a map. so like. i am pretttttyy surree i won. right?

regardless. i am back. 11 more weeks of paris. let's go.

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