Thursday, January 27, 2011

adjusting. per usual.

okay, so i apologize for the delay. much has been going on this past week.

wifi in my room failed. oops. stuff in the states. bleh. and adjusting. per usual. JOY.


lets chat about it. oye. so you would assume that the sbucks basically on AUP campus would cut me some slack when speaking le francais. but no. all i wanted was a grande cafe de la semaine. i know i know. that's ALL. a simple coffee of the week. wah. i eventually got it. proceeded to find a chic spot to sit. drank my DARKEST ROAST POSSIBLE coffee. enjoyed the one place in all of paris that has splenda and then the real fun began.

as i sat fake reading my architecture book really reading my bbms, wallstreet breakfast from... yesterday, and facebookin' up a storm, a new bbm comes in. Dana. can you grab some coffee while at starbucks, get it ground for the french press. IS SHE L'SERIOUS. i can't order a cup of coffee. how do i buy a bag of coffee beans get them ground correctly and not act a fool. oh. but i did. i walked up to the bags of coffee beans, found a mild roast with a hue of chocolate. and looked to the sign that had a picture of a french press and the word grosse.

i marched right over to l'counter. handed the bag over, smiled, and said: eh, le grosse, He laughed at me, took the bag, and 5 euros later we had coffee for our french press. BOOM. mission accomplished.

next topic of discussion. art class AUP style.

since i can remember, art has been an interpretive subject. while in math there is one answer, english they expect you to believe there are all different interpretations but when push come to shove your paper got a B, lets face it, your interpretation was wrong. but art. art was always safe.

well folks. you did not grow up in paris. my art professor, if that is what you call her, defies all definitions of the american art teacher. she erases your paper, draws lines over yours, informs you that is not right, "you should erase that". eek. she walks by and i cringe. let me tell you. next week is nude model #1 and i am DYING thinking about her leaning over my paper and shouting "no, that is not how you draw that _________! erase it!" if you are wondering, i will be sticking to feet and hands. duh.

lastly i would like to discuss red wine.

i have never, ever, ever been a fan of red wine. i am my mother's daughter. i like white wine, if it has bubbles, i like it more. the only red wine i enjoy is manischewitz. my dad on the other hand enjoys a nice BITTER red. ew. always telling me i can try it. thanks but no thanks padre, i'm sticking to my white wine. THEN this little italian place by the louvre happened. and my world changed.

if you are lucky enough to have made my email list, then you receive obscure non-relevant emails daily and often find yourself wondering if i have any friends. but if you are on the email list, you got an email about this great, SWEET, red wine. yummmm. its called:

Bellamarsilia--Morellino di Scansano DOCG.

i hope that is enough info for all you wine lovers. find it. love it. invite me over to drink it. duh.

those are the tid bits i jotted down in my blackberry memo under BLOG!

so until later, enjoy my vino rec. don't take for granted how easy it is to order your coffee. and appreciate the fact your art teacher supported your... err... creativity.

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