Tuesday, January 18, 2011

les cours.

classes have officially begun for students of AUP. as i mentioned before, i am enrolled in four. by the end of le semaine i will be enrolled in 3. byeee french revolution and napoleon.

those lucky few that have made the cut are: french, introduction to drawing, and history of france through architecture.

french. oye.
edith thaib. oye.
it should be interesting, to say the least. i spend one hour and twenty minutes tues through thurs sitting there, understanding 20% of what is said, and copying down french phrases. on mondays i spend a double period doing the same. joy.
thus far i have learned valuable phrases. i can conjugate -er verbs, entre, and avoir. i cannot count, cannot express myself at all well, and cannot order food. but one day.... hopefully sooner rather than later.

the extent of my french is the following:
je m'appelle hayley. comment vous appelez vous?
je suis etudiante, et toi?
j'habite a paris dans le 17 arrondissement. dans quel arrondissement habites tu?
quel age as-tu? j'ai 20 ans.

the sole problem with this knowledge, is i can ONLY respond to you if you say exactly what she taught me... and you speak at a glacial pace. f it. whatevverrr. its something. woo.

for now i have stuck with my key phrase: je ne parle pas francais. (smile, shrug, smile)

on to drawing.
interesting... 3 hours every tuesday. i need to buy random art supplies that she is incapable of telling me ahead of time, so we shall see. and in two weeks i will be sketching a male nude model. a dancer to be exact.
yes. i will be THAT kid. giggling.
yes. i will be THAT kid lugging my portfolio around.
yes. i am just as confused as you... why did i choose this.
whatever... studying abroad is all about going outside of your comfort zone right? i have taken a FLYING leap out of mine, so lets hope all ends well.

lastly, history of france through architecture.
i will explain more, when i understand more.
i currently have a list of architectural terms, several books on architecture, and whole lot of grey area.

i will say, that while i am sad to bid farewell to napoleon and the french revolution, i do thank professor englund for knowing what the hotel school was, commending me for getting in and going, and not responding like professor thaib.
on day one in french class we were asked to say what we majored in:
j'etude ______________.

me: j'etude... ummm... hotel administration.

prof. thaib: no

me: oui, j'etude hotel administration.

prof thaib: mmm no translation, tu etudes what?

me: never mind, j'etude l'commerce

prof thaib: ohhhhhhhh oui oui.

no professor thaib. no oui oui. you have no idea what i study, you cannot pronounce my name, and you make so many sound effects, i can't even explain. meh.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beyond hysterical! I puffy heart you! You study hospitality, duh!! :)
