Sunday, February 6, 2011

cafe oz.

after our tres french dinners, while content may have been questionable we ate at 10:00 so timing was tres francais. dana and i decide, since we economically ate at home, we can spend the 5 euros each for a cab to the bar, considering it was 12:15 and we hadn't left yet. we find a cab in our circle and hop in. i had heard about cafe oz from kids in my cours du francais. and we had seen it on the cab ride home friday night and it was poppin'.

cue cab ride to cafe oz.

you girls speak french? un peu. i speak a little english. where are you two going? dana answers, he makes some comment. asks us what we are doing in paris. i explain i am an artist. did i mention we had wine? dana lets him know i am not. whatever. its an interpretative term, artist.

he asks us if we have had hasheesh. we ask him what? he tells us you smoke it, it makes all the young people smile. don't smoke it. okay, noted. he asks us if we the cocaine. dana laughs out loud. no we don't do the cocaine. but why he asks. he says it is very strong and very expensive. yes mister cab driver. all of the above is correct. 12 euros later we are at the bar. he notices the long line and tells us we have made a good decision. okay whatever. thank you for the ride. peace out.

the line was tres long. dana and i wait. trading spots in line as the other explores. stephanie and lauren arrive, join us in line. we wait two more mins. this guy approaches me and asks if we will go in with them, it is hard for men alone to get it. DUH. i am always one to help. we cut our way ahead a few. woo. we get to the front. we are id'd. duh. then they send dana in. and she comes back with tickets. meanwhile. the two men that we are getting in think i am nuts. oops. whatever.

once in the bar. it is so fun. loud. lots of scottish rugby players. lots of american music. lots of people. lots of fun. we stepped out for a breather circa 1:45 am. cue john.

john starts talking to us. asks us where we are from. chattin up a storm. we introduce ourselves. yadda yadda. bye john we head back in.

around 2:30 we decide to leave. we head out. meet some british folk on the street. walk walk. find laur and steph a cab. walk walk no cabs. tons of people waiting. no cabs. no cabs. no late night food open. no happy hayley and dana. we walk. walllllk. walk to le marais.

like NOTHING. we pass like a gazillion night buses but neither of us know how they work. they are a mysterious beast. they are all over the city, but way different routes than the normal buses, which dana and i also know nothing about so. like. hmmm interesting.

no cabs. wah. i am texting and bbm'ing people. they probably think i am on the verge of death and or being taken. maybe cause i told them that. oops.

finally a bus with a familiar term sprawled across the top. the last metro stop on our line is flashing across the front. we get on. approximately 40 minutes later we arrive home. head inside. grab some special k. and get in bed.

our total journey home took approximately over an hour. but hey. we made it.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha i'm still laughing at your automatic response having been that you've come to paris because you're an artist. also do you like special k?
