Tuesday, February 1, 2011

today is special.

today gets a post all its own. here goes:

the day started with the need to purchase a navigo pass pour le mois. i get to the metro stop, per usual, and find the navigo reload station. first three tries i am denied. i cannot tell you why, because the error message was in french, but i was SO denied that i could not even push buttons. just denied.

fourth try is the charm. woo. so i place my navigo on the reload pad. scan through options. purchase a pass for the month for zones 1 and 2. 60.40 euros later (sorry m and d) i am mobile.

time to enter metro. cue awkward american carrying portfolio round deux. today is drawing class. my one day a week where i sit for 3 hours and draw. channel my inner artist. whatever.

now that i own a portfolio, i carry my art in it. duh. so i am swiping my newly charged navigo pass, and i cannot figure out how to get through the turnstile. oye. i did this once before, with TWO of these. i am confused, and needless to say, people around me can tell. an awkward 1.2 mins later i am through, and so is the portfolio. as i smooth my jacket down, re-adjust my bag, and gather my pride, i walk to the train. whatever. its not like its a secret i am not from here.

so i travel to school, one transfer and several metro stops later i get off. TG when you exit it is regular doors. go up the escalator. daylight. as i do my usual routine, i cannot make my portfolio less awkward. in case you are wondering the thing is huge, something like 53 cm by 47 cm. like big. i made those numbers up, but its large and in charge. and no handle. just a large, over-sized folder-esque thing under my arm.

as i do the usual, stop in franprix i get my ONE DEAL IN PARIS. my 150 cL of water for .21 euros. i am not sure how this happened, or why it is so cheap. but i don't ask questions. every day, monday through thursday, i just buy one. and walk to class.

i am going to fast forward now, because the next 1.5 hours are spent in french 125 A. and no one needs to hear about that. slash meh. i am not discussing it. haha.

DRAWING CLASS. so dana is running late, which i gather from bbms i have received during french class. hannah and i walk to class, making a quick stop in a boulangerie where i get un sandwich avec jambon et salade, sans fromage. word. yes i have expanded upon the original sandwich.

get to class. attempt to prepare myself mentally for the nude model but as i make my way up the steps to the studio. THERE HE IS. naked. just walking, hanging around (haven't decided if the pun is intended yet....) like whoa. frantically bbm dad, dana, everyone. like NAKED. so naked.

i am usually SO mature, i swear. but this is weird. luckily the first pose his back is to us. like TG she eased us in. this twenty-something dancer only speaks french, so the teacher converses with him. 45 minutes later. break time. break is over. he gets back into same position, 15 more minutes. TG i survived.

did i mention drawing is double block. oye. 3 total hours. so one hour down. next pose. 30 minutes. full frontal. just standing. chillin'. gah. needless to say, my second piece was lacking some major organs. like kill me. whatever.

next pose. 30 minutes. sitting in chair. sprawled out. full frontal. once again. missing some key organs. once again. kill me. like i tried.

next pose a series of several short poses, some i cannot even describe. remember. he is a dancer. GAH.

i survived, barely. post studio time i sprinted to starbucks to get a coffee and regain my composure. ran back to get to history of france through architecture. obviously spilled coffee on my sweater. THEY FILL THE CUPS SO HIGH because people in france believe solely in black coffee. once again, i am not from here. its no secret. give me room for my demi-creme. gah.

once that class was over i successfully made it home, stopped at monoprix fro some necessities. gym'd and made dinner.

the real winning moment of the day was my french conversation i had with carmen, my house mom.

me: ou est-ce que vous achetez un "scale"?
carmen: ah, un balance. i have, you can borrow. you can say: ou pouvez-vous acheter un balance?

mind you, carmen doesn't think she speaks english well. bahhh. okay carmen.

then we discussed why i needed the scale, she asked if i was trying to lose weight, i explained i was trying not to gain weight. cue daily baguettes, croissants, and pain au chocolat. oye.

she laughed, taught me how to say that in french, which i won't even try to type here now.
REGARDLESS. i spoke french, and was understood. yayaya. go me.

next step: l'accent.

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