Sunday, February 6, 2011


thursday night dana, marlyse, and i tried willi's wine bar. tres yummy. wine was good. meh expensive and won't be doing that again. while i recognize that spending money on experiences is a good use of my funds, that was a one time thing, and i'd rather eat at small cafes and experience more on my travels. so check that off the list. the food was good, company was good, wine was good. yay.

after the wine bar the three of us split, marlyse was en route to meet french friends, dana some gw kids at aup, and me some cornell kids including some visiting from rome. hopped on le metro post wine-bar. oye. i got there, but it took some time, and several times walking around the same circle looking for the rue i needed. when i arrived at baxo bar everyone was ready to head home or move on. so we hopped BACK on the metro, when i soon realized maybs i should ride this home considering manch was coming to visit tomorrow, AND avoid paying for a cab. so i did. wooo success. so economical.

got home. special k. fell asleep to movie in bed.

friday was a day of checking things off lists. lauren and her friends from barca arrived with a list of places to go and see. we knocked what dana and i had done in weeks in paris off in a matter of half a day, made it home for siesta and reconvened at the sacre coeur circa 20:00, or for those of you in the united states... 8:00 pm.

the church was GORGEOUS. on top of montmartre. you can see all of paris. absolutely gorgeous. the hike up the gazillions of stairs only to realize a tram exists that can take you from the metro up to the church was less than glam, but hey. you win some you lose some.

we took pictures, enjoyed the view, and headed to the latin quarter for dinner. the latin quarter was poppin' full of people and restaurants, we ate the usual parisian 3-hour meal and made our way to rue de lappe to enjoy some hipster-esque bar scene and sip sangria in the que pasa bar. i know i know. my friends visit from spain, and we go to que pasa. what.ever. oops.

btdubbs. nevah. in my life. have i been id'd as hard as i was at que pasa. i mean for one. the drinking age is 18. secondly. it was my real id. which is a rare occasion. again. i don't pretend to understand.

saturday was more lax. girls from barcelona visted notre dame and musee d'orsay. dana and i snoozed, made breakfast. headed to marais to meet them. of course i introduced dana to all my great food spots en le marais. and we walked around, in and out of boutiques, headed to gallery lafayette. bought wine for dinner. and it was nap time again.

in true french style, i had some baguette, some camembert, and some special k for dinnah. dana made thai chicken with rice noodles. and special k. are you noticing a trend?

the wine we got was good despite the the sommelier being a sommel-jerk. he was like. i don't understand what you want. i felt like saying. then you are no good at your job mister. tres rude. but the wine was tasty. so we win. count it. 1 for team dana and hayley. 0 for evil sommelier.

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